Thursday, February 18, 2010


Good morning! Well, LOUD morning would be more like it. Are you familiar with the wireless house phones that include that cute, convenient button called "intercom"?? If you're not, you're blessed. Unfortunately for me, I'm too familiar with it. On certain days, I wake up with it next to me in bed and I wonder WHY. My mom, I love her to pieces, has discovered this function and uses it daily... hourly... just whenever. Sometimes she uses it to call me when she's right above me (3-stories in our home) and I'm able to hear both her voice in the phone and in the house... I think the point of the intercom system is so you don't have to yell. Who am I kidding? I'm from an Asian family... that's how women in our family communicate. They can be 2 feet in front of you and still yell. I promise folks, we are not arguing... we're probably just discussing the weather.